Our Writers Team

The essay writers we hire are MA/MS or PhD degree holders in various subject areas such as Management, Mathematics, Social and Natural Sciences, Law, the Humanities etc. Only those with extensive knowledge and experience in their fields become a part of our company. Therefore, we have managed to gather a diverse team of qualified writers, researchers, editors, and proofreaders who have the opportunity to become a part of our staff writer's team as well as having a freelance writing position. Rest assured that every single order will find its own writer.
Where are our writers from?

We hire writers from English-speaking countries. Since those are scattered all over the world in different time zones, our employees are always available for you 24/7. Therefore, do not hesitate to place an urgent order in the middle of the night. There are always a dozen of exquisite writers ready to complete an assignment for you.
Writers' Hiring Process
All applicants are required to:
- Pass extensive tests with questions in grammar, stylistics, punctuation, orthography, formatting, and creative writing
- Send samples of their work
- Write an essay in an on-line format
- Fill out the registration form, where applicants mention their degrees, job descriptions, previous experiences in writing, the subject areas they are ready to write in, and other necessary information for successful cooperation with our company
- Upload a resume

Our Qualified Recruiting Department studies each applicant carefully during a two-week period to exclude those who are not qualified enough to write for our customers. Reasons for exclusion are lack of experience, education, plagiarism, among other reasons.
Writers' profiles

Here you can see the samples of writers' profiles:
Writers' Degrees
Our writers obtain various degrees from MAs in American Literature and Linguistics to PhDs in Law, Medicine, Business, and Programming. The papers in most popular subject areas are completed by the writers:
Law | 1200+ writers |
Art | 550+ writers |
Literature | 350+ writers |
Medicine and Health2 | 200+ writers |
History | 210+ writers |
Technology | 180+ writers |
Religion and Theology | 200+ writers |
Writers' Gradation and Work Quality Check

All new writers are accepted as freshmen and can only take the easiest orders that do not require deep research or much writing. As soon as he or she passes the trial period without any negative feedback, their status is raised and the writer becomes eligible for taking more complicated orders.
All writers and their work are carefully monitored. Our Quality Assurance Department makes sure that each writer systematically undergoes through the control of clients' feedback, non-plagiarism, and on-time submission of the accepted projects. To prevent delays in submissions, we contact writers if the completed paper is not uploaded 10% of the time before the deadline to remind them that the deadline is coming up.
We also pay close attention to every writer's activity, contact those who neglect taking orders for a long time, and try to solve individual issues that might occur.
Thus, if a writer's performance is getting worse, all the necessary measures are taken.
Research is started as soon as the order is paid
Our qualified Research Department starts looking for a writer right after the order is paid. When ordering an urgent paper, do not be afraid that no writer will take it. Our staff writers' team is here to make sure every order is picked and done in a timely manner.